To address the climate crisis we must use energy more efficiently, this includes recovering waste heat from industrial processes and utilizing low temperature heat sources. The technologies to recover this heat and convert it to usable electricity must demonstrate an economical benefit to be widely accepted and applied by industry. Before discussing the Zeus Engine lets review existing technology.

The traditional steam turbine Rankine cycle is the most efficient cycle to convert heat into mechanical or electrical power. It is widely used in power plants and ship propulsion systems.

But is limited to high temperature heat sources and is of limited value in recovering waste heat or using low temperature heat sources.

The Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is the most common cycle to convert medium to low temperature heat into mechanical or electrical power. It differs from the Rankine cycle in that it uses fluids such a refrigerants which have a lower boiling point than water.

But is mostly limited to medium temperature heat sources and is of limited value in recovering waste heat or utilizing low temperature heat sources.

The ORC has a much lower efficiency that the Rankine cycle due to the lower temperature heat sources used.

The Kalina Cycle System (KCS) is an alternative cycle to convert medium to low temperature heat into mechanical or electrical power. It differs from the Rankine Cycle and the ORC in that it uses a fluid pair of ammonia and water to complete the cycle.

But the corrosive and toxic nature of ammonia has limited the use of this cycle due to equipment costs and personnel safety.

In the correct conditions the KCS can be more efficient than the ORC.

Although the technology is advancing every year thermo-electric devices still are very inefficient at producing power from heat sources and are only useful in rare special applications.

The Zeus Engine is an exciting new technology that is being researched to replace the ORC and KCS. This technology has a patent pending to protect the intellectual property.

Simulations have shown that the Zeus Engine can achieve a forty precent increase in cycle efficiency over the ORC. This increase in efficiency will be disruptive and transform the energy industry.

The Project Pitch submitted to the National Science Foundation America’s Seed Fund was accepted and an invitation was extended to submit a full Phase I Proposal for a research grant.

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